Matrix API

The usage of matrix API v2.

Get Matrix Result


This endpoint allows you to get matrix result.

Query Parameters


What is Drop Matrix?

Suppose there is a matrix using stageId as row and itemId as column. Each element in the matrix represents the statistical data for that item in the stage. We will have a huge sparse matrix for all the items and stages, and for each server.

Drop Matrix Element


  stageId: string,
  itemId: string,
  quantity: number,
  times: number,
  start: number,
  end: number


stageId and itemId are internal ids of stages and items. They can be found in this repository.

start is the left end (inclusive) of the interval. Time unit is millisecond.

end is the right end (exclusive) of the interval. Time unit is millisecond.

quantity means the number of dropped items during the interval.

times means the number of times this stage was played during the interval. The value may be 0, so please be careful when calculating the drop rate.


Not all submitted drop samples will be used in the calculation of this matrix. As you can see above, each matrix element has its own interval. We design a special mechanism to decide what each interval should be.

Let's take stage main_01-07 as an example. We have four time ranges A to D:

Consider the following two items:

  • 30012: Chinese name is "固源岩". It shows up in the drop list of main_01-07 across all time ranges from A to D.

  • ap_supply_lt_010: Chinese name is "应急理智小样". It only shows up in the drop list of main_01-07 during time range B and D.

The calculation is assuming that the drop of ap_supply_lt_010 is independent from other items in main_01-07. The quantity and times of 30012 can be summed up across time range A to D. So the summation interval of 30012 will be A to D, which means [1556676000000, 1590696000000). Here we say all ranges for 30012 in main_01-07is accumulatable. (Maybe we should use the term "accumulable", however in the code and database we are using the former one, so we want to keep it as it is.)

For ap_supply_lt_010, we are not sure if the drop rate in time range D is different from the one in B. Thus, we think that samples from B and D should not be summed up together. We would like to say ap_supply_lt_010 in main_01-07 is non-accumulatable during time range B and D. Our matrix API is designed to reveal the latest drop rates, so the interval of ap_supply_lt_010 in main_01-07 in the matrix will be [1589529600000, 1590696000000).

Although the data of ap_supply_lt_010 in main_01-07 is not showing in the matrix result, you can still use Advanced Query to get them.

The interval may be varies for different items in one stage. That is why we show it using start and end in the drop matrix element.

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